Terrorist Group ISIS Joins Forces with Bitcoin to Finance Expanding Horror


Just when it seemed the horror could grow no deeper, ISIS shows that man’s capacity for cruelty knows no bounds.

The terrorist group, famous for posting online videos of beheadings of innocent victims, now takes depravity to new depths: Children have been executed. And as people flee the violence in Syria, a species faces extinction. And what makes this all possible? — A new digital currency called Bitcoin

Northern-Bald-Ibis-3More than 90 people — including at least 11 children — have been executed by ISIS fighters in the central Syrian city of Palmyra in the last seven days, the head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told CNN on Sunday.

In addition, the Northern Bald Ibis may become extinct in the wild in Syria, because the guards and teams caring for those birds have fled. Its believed that less than 1000 of the birds remain alive today.

But it takes money to pull off these heinous crimes against nature, and the group’s International money transfers were becoming problematic. Then the terrorist group discovered the magic of Bitcoin. New reports reveal that ISIS is now using the digital currency to transfer funds to expanding terrorist cells throughout the remaining free world.

The Dark Web is difficult to monitor for intelligence agencies and it is not so easy to locate members of terrorist organizations like the ISIS. In the principal black markets hosted on the deep web it is possible to purchase any kind of illegal product and service. Hidden services in the Deep Web also offer the possibility to download the mobile apps used by the jihadists and transfer Bitcoins to terrorist cells in every place of the world.

So while the tech world rejoices at the ability to anonymize their internet use and take currency dealings away from central banks it also removes the checks and balances that have been in place for centuries to stop this type of terrorist funding.

sleep_walkingWe could now be sleepwalking ourselves into an irreversible situation. It’s been estimated that Bitcoin will help fund more death and destruction this decade than all the atomic bomb blasts in history combined.

It’s almost as if Satoshi Nakamoto created an unstoppable artificial intelligence, a money weapon without a conscience, a zombie crypto that seeps beneath the surface of the day and lurks inside the shadows of the night.

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